









目錄 Contents
Your first stage in Our Company … 跨入公司的第一階段
Working with your mgr. or supervisor … 與你的經(jīng)理和主管共事
Making yourself competitive … 使你自己更具競爭力
Your HR organization ... 你的HR組織結構
第一階段 Your first stage ...
Learn as much as you can about the company: 盡可能多地了解公司:
Its history, organization, products, and policies. Ask your manager what information he or she feels is important and how it relates to your job and your dept. 歷史、組織、產(chǎn)品和政策。
Ask questions and take notes: 要會提問并作記錄 Your supervisor or colleagues will automatically assume that you understand if you do not ask questions. So ask, when needed and do not be afraid of appearing stupid. However, you may appear stupid if you ask the same question twice.
Keep busy on company work:不要忙公司以外的事情 Don’t spend company time on unnecessary personal phone calls or other private business;
第一階段 Your first stage ...
Start early and stay late: 早出晚歸
Such action will preclude being late and will quickly be noted as a very positive sign.
Be discreet: 言行謹慎 Company confidential information such as salaries, employee relation problems etc, should be kept confidential. Divulging such choice morsels may make you popular with the grape vine group, but it can be the kiss of death if discovered by your supervisor.
和經(jīng)理主管共事 Working with your manager or supervisor ...
Show initiative:積極主動
volunteer for learning opportunities, extra duty, or the unwanted task;
和經(jīng)理主管共事 Working with your manager or supervisor ...
Be responsive to requests, to your manager, colleagues or customers: 對經(jīng)理,同事和客戶的要求做出及時的反饋
Quick and make it a point to get assignments done on or ahead of time; 迅速把工作按時完成或提前完成
Check your understanding: 確認自己對事情是否已了解 Of assignments by restating them in your own terms. Check your assumptions;
Occasionally check back: 有時需要向?qū)Ψ酱_認
To let the manager know how you are progressing, especially during your first several months on the new job;
和經(jīng)理主管共事 Working with your manager or supervisor ...
Express complaint as constructive suggestions or questions: 以富有建設性的建議或問題表達你的抱怨 Complainers, particularly new employees, are seldom appreciated;
Bring alternatives to the manager: 向經(jīng)理提出解決問題的其他選擇方案 Don’t bring problems. Analyze the problem and think through alternate solutions, then present to the manager what you think are the best solutions;
Be prepared: 事事要做好準備 Take care of your reputation, which is your most valuable asset. You never get a second chance to make a good first impression;
使你更具競爭力 Make you competitive ...
Admit and learn from your mistakes: 勇于承認錯誤,從錯誤中吸取教訓 Mistakes are inevitable. Always be receptive to suggestions on how to improve your performance;
Be positive, pleasant and upbeat: 采取正面的態(tài)度、保持樂觀向上 Smile a lot and do not put anyone down. Stay out of office politics if possible; and don’t gossip;
Do not use off-colored language, or tell ethnic or sexist jokes. 不說污言穢語,或講不利種族團結或黃色笑話 What is humorous to some is offensive to others.
使你更具競爭力 Make you competitive ...
Be Proactive: 積極主動 Learn to focus on your circle of influence, take responsibility and produce tangible results rather than react, place blame, point fingers, and make excuses;
Put first things first:要事第一
Learn to get to do the most important things first, in the midst of constant demands from situations and people;
Think win-win, act win-win:雙贏
Learn to seek mutual benefit, and work with an abundance mentality. This can be used to improve relationships between colleagues, customers, teams and suppliers;
使你更具競爭力 Make you competitive ...
Seek first to understand, then to be understood 設身處地
Truly understand the needs of others using empathic skills, leading to better communication;
Synergize:團隊合作 Value different opinions and viewpoints, resulting in higher quality decisions, greater organizational unity, and reduced rivalry;
A.S.K. Your Competency & Sharpen your saw!
Attitude is everything:態(tài)度決定一切
Sense of responsibilities and positive spirit ...
Skill is your saw: 技能是工具 Deep it …
Knowledge: wide …知識要廣博



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